November 2, 2007
  It’s Your Turn: Join the Long Legacy of Citizen Architects
Participate in this free Webcast on November 14 to find out how (and earn two CES credits)

Summary: AIA Government Advocacy invites all AIA members to participate in Advocacy 101, a Webcast for architects who want to develop the necessary skills to be better advocates for the design profession, on November 14, 2:00–4:00 p.m., ET. The Webcast is free and offers 2.0 HSW CES credits. Participants will learn ways to make a persuasive case and develop long-term relationships with community leaders.

The 80,000 members of the AIA belong to a long tradition of advocating for improved public safety and health in the built environment before appointed and elected officials in government. These conversations take place at all levels of government, with planning commissioners, city council members, state representatives, and members of the U.S. Congress.

This training offers members key techniques to be great advocates ready to clearly and concisely communicate complex ideas to policymakers. Its learning objectives center on:

  • Effective meetings. Learn how to set-up, prepare for, and follow-up on visits with elected and appointed officials. Understand how to present information effectively before government agencies. Discuss practical ideas to make your meeting of more interest to a legislator.
  • Communication. Determine the key points you need to communicate, depending on whether you use e-mail, correspondence, phone calls, or meetings. Learn how to make the transition from constituent to advisor as you develop long-term relationships with elected officials.
  • Best Practices. Hear about the various ways that AIA components are advocating for public safety, health, and welfare issues.

Architects can be active valuable participants in the policy-making process, both as citizens and as members of the Institute. Join the AIA Government Advocacy team for this primer on how you can make a difference. The Webcast requires a computer with Internet access. Windows and Mac OS platforms will be accommodated. For more information or to register, visit the program Web site or send an e-mail to

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Even if you aren’t in a position right now to become civically involved, you can make your voice heard. This Tuesday, November 6, there are five states with statewide elections and seven states with ballot items. Get informed (try,, or for more information) and vote.