November 2, 2007
  Register Now for Healthcare Design.07
This year, the AIA Academy of Architecture for Health (AAH) joins the Center for Health Design and Vendome Group to present the Healthcare Design.07 conference in Dallas, November 2–6. Through AAH's new affiliation with the center and Vendome, academy members will now benefit from this expanded multitrack, multidisciplinary learning event. The conference features more than 70 sessions and 200 exhibitors, and all of the familiar staples from the annual academy fall meeting—the charrette, forums, and fellowship presentations. Visit the conference Web site to register and receive additional information about the conference.

CAE Educational Facility Design Awards Due December 14
The Committee on Architecture for Education (CAE) Educational Facility Design Awards program is open to projects for pre-K, K–12, higher education, alternative, and unique learning environments. The CAE Educational Facility Design Awards program recognizes outstanding learning environment planning and design throughout the world. Through this program, quality ideas on educational facility planning and design are disseminated to clients, architects, and the public. This awards program is an opportunity to recognize critical evaluation, thoughtful planning and design, and appropriate experimentation, not as an end in itself but in the context of a client's needs. Entries are due December 14. For more information on the awards program, please visit the CAE conference Web site.
(Pictured is the Ocean Education Center, Newport Beach, Calif., by Bauer and Wiley Architects, a 2006-2007 CAE Design Awards recipient.)

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