September 14, 2007

Join the HRC in New Orleans, October 17–20
Traditional Building Exhibition and Conference for everyone in the preservation field
A national trade show and conference for architects, designers, contractors, developers, planners, building owners, historic home owners, and craftsmen involved in restoration, renovation, and traditionally inspired new design and construction, the Traditional Building Show is the one place where historic restoration and new traditional architecture come together under one roof. The AIA Historic Resources Committee has a number of events scheduled during the conference. For more information, visit the conference Web site.

Register Now for HEALTHCARE DESIGN.07
The AIA Academy of Architecture for Health (AAH) is joining forces with the Center for Health Design and Vendome Group to present the HEALTHCARE DESIGN.07 conference in Dallas, November 2-6. Through AAH's new affiliation with the center and Vendome, Academy members will now benefit from an expanded multitrack, multidisciplinary learning event that will feature more than 70 sessions and 200 exhibitors, and all of the familiar staples from the annual Academy fall meeting—such as the charrette, forums, and fellowship presentations—will remain available. For more information, and to register, visit the conference Web site.

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