March 21, 2007
Michael Broshar, FAIA

We are fortunate to be serving the AIA at a time of growth and vitality. We find ourselves at a critical moment in history. Our communities need the critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills of architects more than at any time in the past. We have come to realize that we live in a world with finite physical resources, but that through effective design, we possess the ability to enrich the lives of our citizens, while preserving the planet for our children and their children.

During recent years, a consistent vision, forged by strong leadership, has led to a strategic plan that is concise, understandable, and can be used by all AIA components. The plan places value to the member as its paramount goal. Members value action, and my goal is to deliver.

We will connect architects with new knowledge, gained through research, to combine proof with art in elevating the value of design. During my two years as vice president for knowledge, the AIA has developed a new Web-based tool for sharing knowledge. We will continue to develop these tools to ensure our members have the information they need, where and when they need it.

We can build on our recent success and become trusted advisors to our national, state, and community leaders, through advocacy for the design of healthy, livable, and beautiful communities. The public is beginning to understand that the design of our communities matters.

Together, we must ensure that the AIA provides value for all members, regardless of where they practice, teach, learn, or work. All components and knowledge communities need to be strong in order for the AIA to be effective in serving our members.

For me, being an architect and an AIA member are inseparable. During 27 years in private practice, the AIA has provided me with invaluable resources, fellowship, and a sense of responsibility for the profession. I bring to this job a strong motivation to make the AIA of ever increasing value to the member and society. I need your support to make this happen.

AIA National Leadership:

  • Vice President 2005–2007
  • Board of Directors, 2002–2005
  • National Convention Chair, 2006
  • AIA Board Knowledge Committee, 2004–2007, Chair 2005–2007
  • Long Range Planning Advisory Group, 2003–2004
  • Component Partnerships Committee, 2003–2005
  • Resolutions Committee, 2003–2005
  • Regent–American Architectural Foundation, 2004–2005
  • Young Architects Forum, 1989

AIA State Leadership

  • AIA Iowa: President, 1995
  • Trustee–Iowa Architectural Foundation 1996–2000 (Chair 1998).
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