January 12, 2007
  Participate in the 2007 AIA Environmental Scan

The AIA needs your assistance in undertaking a 2007 Environmental Scan to identify emerging issues and trends in the environment. By doing so, a professional society can refine its strategy and better position itself to be successful in the future. To accomplish this, AIA researchers are compiling information from external sources that will inform them of changing political, economic, social-cultural, technological, and industry trends that may have an impact on the organization and its membership in the future. Equally important to this analysis are the perspectives and insights of the membership. By participating in this on-line poll, you will help identify emerging challenges and opportunities with the potential to have the greatest impact on the profession. This will provide guidance for the delivery of AIA programs and services that better meet the current and future needs of the membership. It is important that we hear from you and we thank you for sharing your opinion. To participate in this brief poll, click here.

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