
Serendipitous Partnership Yields Community Benefits
30 AIA Columbus members construct two concrete ramps for accessible renovation

“A happy accident” brought together AIA Columbus and Creative Housing Inc., says Diane Deane, the chapter’s executive director. The partners joined forces to build ramps on a duplex home for two families with accessibility needs on August 27. Some 30 AIA members from the Columbus chapter put in about 125 person-hours constructing two concrete ramps for a 1960s Ranch-style duplex that is being renovated by Creative Housing, a nonprofit that provides safe, accessible, and affordable housing to individuals with disabilities in the Columbus metropolitan area. Deane says that the chapter’s “first-ever community service project was an incredible success.”

A member of the chapter’s continuing education committee first proposed the idea of doing an ADA makeover project as a community service and outreach initiative. After a little hunting on the Internet, Creative Housing, already doing successful and thoughtful ADA renovation work on properties that are bought and then leased back to tenants at below-market rates, was identified as an excellent fit.

“Creative Housing turned out to be a wonderful partner for us,” reports Deane. “The staff was helpful, knowledgeable, and very committed to improving the lives of people with disabilities. There was one staff member who certainly could’ve been working for a contractor, and probably making a lot more money, who told me, ‘It just feels better doing this kind of work on a day-to-day basis.’ They really energized the volunteers and were such a great group to work with that we’re planning on partnering with them again next year—next time it will likely include knocking down walls.”

AIA Columbus provided the workers, and Creative Housing provided the equipment, liability protection, materials, and project management. In addition, Creative Housing is incorporating a number of other accessible features, including widening the hallways for improved wheelchair mobility by eliminating closets, renovating the kitchen, and adding an accessible bathroom. The group will also replace the two homes’ roofs, gutters, soffits, and windows. The duplex is expected to be ready for occupancy in about 90 days by four non-ambulatory individuals identified by Creative Housing. The pro bono design work was contributed anonymously by a local AIA member firm.

The rain-or-shine project began at 6:30 a.m., with the group digging holes by hand under a clear summer sky. AIA Columbus volunteers worked on building the ramps in six different stages and shifts, with the ultimate goal of completing the project by early evening. As the concrete trucks pulled up around noon, however, the heavens unleashed their contents and the crew was forced quickly to attach tarps to the roof to continue work. The volunteers continued until 4 p.m., but unfortunately were unable to finish installing the wood railings because of the additional time they had to spend working with the rain-delayed concrete. The railings will be completed by Creative Housing prior to occupancy.

All of the members who worked on the project received HSW continuing education learning units for each hour worked (with means and methods of construction as the learning objective). Deane also notes with pride that although there were some of the usual faces involved, the event “attracted members we hadn’t seen before. It was a terrific event, in part because we were able to reach a whole different section of our membership.” As a result of the significant interest and turnout, the chapter’s continuing education committee plans to add community-service programs to their offerings in 2006.

Deane also notes that the feedback from the community has been tremendous. The event was covered by two local newspapers and a television station. In addition, the e-mails and phone calls have been pouring in from residents expressing their pleasure with both the chapter and its members.

—Heather Livingston

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For additional information on Creative Housing, visit their Web site.

All images are courtesy of AIA Columbus.

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