

The AIA is assessing the most appropriate role for this organization and those members who wish to provide relief, recovery, and rebuilding support for the tsunami victims. Specifically, the AIA is:

  • Facilitating and helping to direct monetary contributions to a number of organizations, including Architecture for Humanity, Habitat for Humanity, the American Red Cross, and others. On behalf of the AIA Board of Directors and the entire AIA membership, the Institute also has contributed $10,000 to Architecture for Humanity, a nonprofit organization dedicated to seeking architecture solutions to humanitarian crises such as the tsunami disaster. The AIA encouraged Architecture for Humanity to apply a portion of its donation toward the organization’s infrastructure (administrative support, etc.) needed to coordinate the relief efforts in affected countries, with the remaining monies earmarked for humanitarian aid.
  • Contacting local architecture associations in the affected countries to express condolences and provide seed money for their use in mobilizing member architects and planning for damage assessment, recovery, and rebuilding in their respective countries.
  • Hosting a meeting with other design and construction-related organizations to develop a coordinated response effort.

AIArchitect will provide updates on the Institute’s efforts as they solidify during this recovery and rebuilding period that likely will span many years. In the meantime, visit the home page of the AIA Web site, www.aia.org, for the most current information, including contact information for Architecture for Humanity and other relevant relief organizations.

Emergency Relief Efforts

Copyright 2004 The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. Home Page


AIA Resources

• The Architect’s Role in Disaster Response, and The Three Stages of Disaster Assistance

• Guidelines for Disaster Response and Recovery Programs [PDF]

• AIA Center for Communities by Design links

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