
AIA eClassroom Offers Two More New Courses


AIA eClassroom has just added two more new distance-learning courses to its repertoire from the 2003 national AIA convention. Enjoy learning at you own computer, when you have the time!

Course FR12: Adding Value Through Mixed-Use Redevelopment
Let David L. Graham, AIA, and Marc G. Swenson, AIA, principals of Elness Swenson Graham Architects Inc., Minneapolis, be your guides as you explore planning issues and design principles in the attempt to create vibrant, livable, sustainable, and economically viable communities in urban and suburban settings. Among the topics covered in the course:
• How public/private partnerships make large projects happen
• Ways that “green and blue layers” (open space and water) enhance mixed-use projects
• How synergy among uses reduces vehicular demands, enhances pedestrian movement, and creates livable communities
• How design quality enhances real estate value.
For more information, visit eClassroom.

Course FR32: Building Codes Need Not Stifle Creative Design
Fire protection engineer James R. Quiter, PE, principal of Arup Fire and Arup Risk Consulting offers a brief synopsis of codes today and leads a discussion of performance-based options, fire-related design constraints imposed by the codes, and how to achieve a design that meets the codes’ intent. Course objectives include:
• Gaining a better understanding of the U.S. code environment
• Recognizing opportunities for alternative designs that meet the intent of the code and provide better functionality and design
• Learning how fire engineering can help you design better buildings
• Understanding that a performance-based code is not a prerequisite to performance-based design.
For more information, visit the eClassroom site.

Both courses offer two health-safety-welfare learning units each. The cost is $99.95 AIA members, $149.95 nonmembers. For a complete list of eClassroom offerings, visit the eClassroom site.

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