03/2003 Approved Membership Pilot Programs

AIA Seattle: Affiliated recruitment
This program strives to achieve universal membership via “affiliated practice,” intending to serve architecture school graduates who are pursuing alternative careers. It extends the concept of “affiliated practice” as an alternative to “architectural firms subject to supplemental dues.” The grant will fund demographic and market research toward prospect development, and market and “benefits-package” development. Using focus groups and other techniques, the initiative involves volunteer and staff efforts to develop and publish (in print and electronic format) materials announcing and promoting the expanded affiliated practice program.

AIA Baltimore: Faculty recruitment
AIA Baltimore proposes to create a special membership level and pricing structure to help increase AIA membership among individuals employed architecture schools. For a small and controllable investment, the AIA can build a strong bridge of accommodation and appeal to the school leaders responsible for training our next generation of professionals. (The jury recommended that the AIA National component implement this program.)

AIA Wilmington: Associate recruitment
This program aims to attract new architectural interns as associate members by reducing membership dues, and to develop and implement a schools-outreach program aimed at attracting youth to the profession.

Knowledge Community Reciprocal membership between AIA & IFMA
The Facility Management Knowledge Community (PIA) seeks to lead the family of client-oriented AIA Knowledge Communities (Corporate Architects, Public Architects and Interior Design) in expanding participation to client-centric organizations, thus enabling access to each other’s knowledge. For a nominal membership fee, members of the International Facility Management Association (IFMA) would be given access to specific associated Knowledge Communities. Likewise, AIA client community members would have access to similar IFMA Council information for a nominal fee.

AIA Santa Clara Valley: Local only membership
This program would expand the definition of membership and inclusion, and target recruitment of pre-professionals (those working towards licensure) and those in non-traditional career settings. Membership would be at the local-chapter level only. The jurors recommended that this program merge with the AIA California Council initiative.

AIA California Council: Non-traditional service model
The California Council request AIA national component support for a pilot program in which two local California components create service models based on value that is responsive to cost and the mores of the user and of the younger generation. Jurors were particularly impressed with the innovation and expansiveness of this program and its intent to address the issue of members paying for appropriate and desired value.

AIA Pennsylvania: Multiple tracks recruitment strategies
AIA Pennsylvania proposes a two-year membership pilot program that works within the existing membership and dues structure. They will establish multiple tracks within the current member types, to distinguish between associate members who are pursuing or not pursuing licensure, and architect members who are practicing or not practicing architecture. This initiative also formally recognizes student membership in the AIAS as an important component for building the AIA’s future membership.

USACE/AIA: Broaden membership to be more inclusive of government, corporate, and academic architects.
This proposal focuses on increasing the return of investment for government, corporate, and academic architects by increasing continuing education opportunities specific to architects in alternative careers; developing specific networking opportunities for private sector/alternative career architects; increasing the awareness of membership of alternative career architects; recognizing the professional identity and integrity of architects in alternative careers; and, developing specific articles in publications, on the Web site, etc., focusing on alternative career architects.

AIA Baltimore: Government Architect recruitment
This program is a multi-step process to gather, organize, and deliver information to people who can influence the benefits packages provided to government employees at state and local levels. The jury recommended that this program be merged into the AIA/USACE proposal.

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For more information, contact AIA Membership Managing Director Carol Madden, 202-626-7392 or cmadden@aia.org.

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