Biannual Design Awards

AIA Idaho recently presented its biannual Design Awards to seven Idaho architects for recent works of distinction that include a historic high school renovation, homeless shelter, architect's office, resort dock facility, university recreation center, dental office, and a resort area residence. The judges for this prestigious program—David C. Lake, FAIA, Lake/Flato Architects, San Antonio; William Leddy AIA, Leddy Maytum Stacy Architects, San Francisco; and Tom Kundig, AIA, Olson Sundberg Kundig Allen Architects, Seattle—selected three projects for Citation Awards and four for Merit Awards.

And the winners are:

Citation Awards

• Jeff Williams, AIA, Jeffery Charles Williams Architects, Ketchum, for the Hauer Residence in Sun Valley. "Its form responds nicely to the site and solar orientation of the structure within its surroundings, and the outdoor spaces complement the interior," the jury said of the house. They also particularly like the rotated entry hall for offering a smooth transition from outdoors to the interior, the strong form of the roof, and the articulated structure.

• Dan Mullin, AIA, Daniel K. Mullin Architects, Moscow, for the Peterson Dental Office, Moscow. The jury was enamored with the direct nature of the building, calling attention to the exterior details. They felt the dental office exemplified the best type of vernacular design; "it's a sweet little building," they said. They cited the project as "a simple, humble, straightforward structure," and, appropriately, as "a building that makes you smile."

• R.G. Nelson AIA, Northwest Architectural Company, Coeur d'Alene, for the University of Idaho Recreation Center, Moscow. The jury described this building as "nicely detailed; a complex program organized well, with a strong reinforced access to the main campus." They admired the architect's effort to break down the scale of what usually is a box building, especially by employing varied roof shapes and sizes. They found the building noteworthy for its effective use of daylighting and its glazed, rock-climbing "lantern."

Merit Awards

• Jack Smith, FAIA, Smith Associates PA, Ketchum, for the Redfish Lake Resort Dock, Stanley. The jury said that this project should win the "light touch award," for how it sits gently on the water. They liked its simple geometry and "humble lamp-like materials," and applauded its straightforward resolution.

• Scott Straubhar, AIA, and Greg Ugrin, Hummel Architects, Boise, for the Stoa Building, Boise. Of the many office buildings submitted, the jury deemed the Stoa Building their favorite. They complimented how the building fits into its place, its simple form, and wise use of materials.

• R.G. Nelson, AIA, Northwest Architectural Company, Coeur d'Alene, for the House of Charity, Spokane, Wash. The jury acknowledged that this is a very difficult building type to design, and lauded the architect's participating in a much-needed community project to house the homeless. "This is a very worthy effort to make a shelter feel like a home," they said.

• Scott Straubhar AIA, Hummel Architects, for the renovation of Boise High School. The jury wanted to call attention to the renovation portion of this project and commended the school district for preserving the existing structure. Of particular note, they thought, were "restoring the old auditorium theater as a cultural center" and the "appropriate lighting and seating."

Copyright 2002 The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved.


For more information, contact Executive Director Connie Searles, AIA Idaho at 208-388-8536.

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