Actions Taken at the September 20–21 AIA Board of Directors Meeting

The following summarizes actions taken by the AIA Board of Directors at its meeting in Lincolnville, Maine, on September 20–21.

Treasurer's Report
It was reported that as of August 2002, the Institute's cash and investments totaled more than $10.6 million compared with a total of $775,000 in August 2001 and that the Institute's line of credit had not been used this year. The Institute's membership dues collections are on target, ahead of last year's pace.

2003 revenue projections indicate total expected revenue of $39 million in 2003, a $1 million increase over 2002 resulting from expected increases in revenue for Professional Practice, Convention, Membership dues, and tenant rent.

Scholarship program funding levels were authorized at $280,000 for 2003 and 2004 and the appointment of a Scholarship Task Force to study the future of the scholarship program was approved.

A draft reserve policy was introduced establishing minimum limits for unrestricted investments of 33% of operating revenue (approximately $12.5 million currently), and total net assets of 20% of operating revenue (approximately $7.6 million currently). When policy limits are not met, 2.5% of the succeeding year's revenue would be added to reserves. The Board will give final consideration to the policy at its December meeting.

The Finance and Audit Committee elected to continue the services of PriceWaterhouseCoopers as the AIA's audit firm.

Response to the 2002 Convention Resolutions
The Board ratified Resolution 02-1 Broadening Membership and Strengthening the Institute (AIA) adopted at the Annual Meeting in May.

Appointments to the 2002 National Ethics Council
Kathryn Tyler Prigmore, FAIA, was appointed to serve as a member of the National Ethics Council effective immediately, completing the unexpired term of Dr. Sharon E. Sutton, FAIA, who recently resigned.

Strategic Issues
The Board discussed several strategic issues, resulting in the following actions:
• Inclusiveness. The following position on inclusiveness was adopted with expectations that management will strive for the principles of expansiveness, diversity, and alliances:
The AIA, an inclusive organization, will support architecture graduates, diversify membership to reflect society, and enhance relationships with related professionals.
• Architecture Education. The following motion was adopted:
The AIA Board hereby expresses (1) its support for maintaining multiple paths to obtain a first professional degree in architecture, including a Bachelor of Architecture and a Master of Architecture, (2) its desire to communicate this position to the AIA-appointed representatives to the National Architectural Accreditation Board, and (3) its invitation for one or more of those representatives to enter into dialogue with members of the AIA Board concerning the relative merits of this and other patterns of offering professional degrees in architecture during its December 2002 annual meeting.

Strategic Plan Presentation. A presentation was made on the process and major emphases of the 2003–2004 planning cycle. The proposed preliminary documents (the preliminary Strategic Plan and the preliminary 2003 Operating Budget) were approved in concept. A final long-range Strategic Plan, Operating Plan, and Operating Budget for 2003–2004 will be presented for the Board's final approval in December 2002.

Gold Medal and Architecture Firm Award Finalists
Three finalists each were selected for the 2003 AIA Gold Medal, and the 2003 AIA Architecture Firm Award, with recipients for each of these awards to be determined at the Board's December meeting.

Selection of Public Director
The Board elected Betty Sue Flowers, PhD, Director, Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum, to serve a two-year term as Public Director on the AIA Board commencing on December 7, 2002.

Management Report
The following issues were reported:
• CACE Annual Meeting. Karen Lewand reported on the 2003 CACE Annual Meeting, highlighting the success of the educational and skills-building sessions and the election of the 2003 CACE officers.
• Membership Pilot Programs. The methods for implementation of convention resolution 02-1 were reviewed with encouragement to begin immediately.
• International Associates. Implementation of Bylaws Amendment 02-D adopted at the 2002 Annual Meeting, establishing a new membership category for "International Associates," included a recommendation that members in that category be charged the same basic dues rate as that paid by Associate members, increased to reflect the higher mailing and subscription costs.
• Status of AIA Research Initiative. The Board was briefed on research focused on learning how the mind perceives and responds to physical environment.
• 150th Anniversary of the AIA in 2007. The Board approved the appointment of a Blue Ribbon Task Group for guiding the nationwide celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the AIA.
• Relationship with Interior Designers. It was reported that IIDA and ASID have chosen to terminate their discussions of a joint venture. The Executive Committee suggested AIA Board discussion on whether and how to move forward in this issue. The Board discussed building on the work that was done by the 1999 AIA Interior Design Licensing Task Force.
• AIA Contract Documents Update. EF 3.0 PLUS Documents have been released and 12,000 of 15,000 users have been successfully upgraded. Due diligence is nearing completion with Ghostfill Technologies for development and production of AIA Contract Documents EF 4.0. Suzanne Harness, Esq., AIA, has joined the national component management team as Managing Director and Counsel, AIA Contract Documents.
• The American Institute of Architects College of Fellows Fund, Inc. Establishing a 501(c) (3) tax-exempt corporation to receive and manage AIA College of Fellows Fund was approved.
• International Relations. The Institute's role in the international arena and the financial implications involved in maintaining a high level of participation was discussed.
• Consideration of Revisions to Voting Procedures and to Campaign and Election Rules. Various methodologies for electronic voting during the business session at the Annual Meeting at the Convention were discussed. The Board encouraged continuing efforts toward that end.
• Antitrust Briefing. The Board was advised to be consistently aware of the Institute's continuing efforts at all levels to ensure its compliance with applicable antitrust laws.

Other Matters
An update of the finances and programming of the American Architectural Foundation and a brief biographical sketch of Ronald Bogle, the new AAF President/CEO was provided.
• Plans for the upcoming Leadership Institute in March 2003 were reported and the Board was encouraged to reaffirm its commitment to the effort.

Copyright 2002 The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved.


If you have questions or comments, contact Jay Stephens, General Counsel at 202-626-7379; or Terri Schmidt, Corporate Secretary at 202-626-7314.

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