AIA News
New AIA Documents for U.S. Architects Consulting Internationally

Two contract documents for use by U.S. architects on projects in foreign lands have been added to the suite of existing standard contract documents available from the AIA.

Developed by the AIA Documents and International committees, the two documents give U.S. architects a standard tool for establishing and governing consulting relationships on projects located abroad, where U.S. architects are not generally licensed to practice architecture.

The documents are currently available in print version and shortly will be available in electronic format.

B611™/INT-2002, Standard Form of Agreement Between Client and Consultant for Use Where the Project Is Located Outside the United States
B611™/INT-2002 is designed to assist U.S. architects involved in projects based in foreign lands, where the U.S. architects are hired on a consulting basis for design services and local architects will be retained. This document is intended to clarify assumptions, roles, responsibilities, and obligations of the parties; provide a narrative description of services; and facilitate, strengthen, and maintain the working and contractual relationships between parties. This document also contains modular exhibits that may be used, at the discretion of the parties to the agreement, to describe further the circumstances of a relationship or a project.

B621™/INT-2002, Abbreviated Standard Form of Agreement Between Client and Consultant for Use Where the Project Is Located Outside the United States
An abbreviated version of the B611™/INT-2002, this document is most suitable for general international work of limited scope or on international projects with repeat clients. It does not contain the modularity of B611™/INT-2002.

Copyright 2002 The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved.


You can order the AIA documents ($8 each) through your local distributor or call 800-365-2724.

There has been an upgrade of the electronic-format documents EF3.0 PLUS. Documents B611™/INT-2002 and B611™/INT-2002 will be available in the electronic format soon.

For more information about the AIA contract documents in general, visit that page on

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