IFRAA Examines Acoustics in the Worship Environment, June 14–16 in Montreal
No matter how beautiful or reverently designed, a worship space will not function as intended without the proper attention to acoustics. Join the Interfaith Forum on Religion, Art, and Architecture June 14–16 in Montreal for the "Acoustics in the Worship Environment: Designing for a Spiritual Experience" conference to broaden your understanding of acoustics in worship and prayer space. As congregations seek to stop shrinking attendance, they have undertaken new approaches to the liturgy via music. Participants will examine the role of acoustics in liturgy and examine the best practices for acoustical design in the scope of architecture in this new environment.

In addition, renowned liturgical design consultant Richard Vosko, AIA, will examine current complexities in the design of sacred spaces. How should a church, synagogue, or mosque look in the 21st century? Are there components of a worship space common to all faith traditions?

The conference will offer tours to supplement its seminars. On June 14, participants will visit Casavant Frères, one of the oldest pipe organ manufacturers in North America. They will learn how pipe organs are built, how they have been used in worship spaces of the past, and how they can be used today.

On June 15, conference attendees will tour Montreal's Basilique Notre Dame, a masterpiece of Gothic Revival architecture. With its first incarnation begun in 1672, the current basilica was designed by Irish architect James O'Donnell and completed in 1830. O'Donnell also designed Christ Church in New York City. The basilica's acoustics are so good that there is no need for electronic amplification, as participants will hear firsthand when noted organist Pierre Grandmaison offers them a short concert.

Copyright 2002 The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved.


IFRAA conference participants will tour Montreal's Basilique Notre Dame on June 16.

Photo courtesy of IFRAA

Click here for more information or to register for the conference.

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