Need up-to-date salary information?
Participate in the 2002 AIA Compensation Survey!

It has been almost three years since the AIA published the 1999 AIA Compensation Survey Report—an industry standard, and the most comprehensive national survey on architect compensation. The new 2002 survey will provide compensation data for all nine regions of the country, plus most states and metro areas. An expanded benefits section will offer up-to-date information on medical, dental, and vision-care insurance; life insurance, retirement savings, and profit-sharing plans; continuing education reimbursements; vacation leave; and much more.

The AIA has engaged William M. Mercer Inc., a human resources consulting firm, to conduct this fully electronic survey of compensation and benefits practices among AIA member-owned firms. Participation is vital for the success of this study. Answers will be kept in strict confidence by Mercer and the AIA, and reported only when grouped with all other responses. No data from any individual firm will be released.

Take the time to complete and submit this electronic survey to Mercer by Friday, April 12. If you have any questions or concerns about this project, please call Mercer, 800-333-3070.

For your participation, the AIA will send you a summary of the survey results as soon as they are available. You also will be able to receive the full survey for the participant rate of $75 (almost half off the non-participant member rate).

Your response will greatly benefit you and all AIA members. We thank you in advance for your time.

Copyright 2002 The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved.



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