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For Immediate Release

(CITY, STATE), (Date), 2001—In light of the recent "Back to School" special report by the U.S. Department of Education on the urgent need for newer and higher quality public schools, the nation's architects are urging members of both political parties to support legislation that would provide tax credit bonds for school modernization, rehabilitation, and expansion.

Specifically, architects are asking that H.R. 4094 "America's Better Classroom Act 2000"—a bipartisan measure introduced by Rep. Nancy Johnson (R-Conn.) and co-sponsored by Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.)—be included in any omnibus budget reconciliation bill.

"We believe that our children are our most valuable resource and that it is our responsibility to provide them with the foundation they need to grow and prosper," said (Name of local AIA executive). "But such a foundation can't be laid without proper school facilities." The Johnson-Rangel measure, said (Name of executive), would provide federal tax credits to generate $25 billion for school construction.

LOCAL MESSAGE-EDIT AS NECESSARY: (This week, local architects are meeting with Congressman [name] and Senator [name] and urging them to actively support inclusion of the Johnson-Rangel school construction measure in any omnibus budget reconciliation measure).

A nationwide funding provision for school construction would greatly aid localities and, as schools are also developing into "centers of community," such improvements could inspire increased development and community revitalization. The American Institute of Architects is urging Congress to pass legislation that will provide federal support—rather than federal control—of school modernization.

Architects with experience in working with school districts at the grassroots level are available to address:

• How to develop creative school modernization solutions for cash-strapped communities
• Design strategies that can help school districts to renovate existing buildings and successfully address important lack-of-space challenges
• The "schools as centers of community" concept and how it may be the "wave of the future" for America's public schools

For further information or to request an interview, please contact (Name of Contact) at (Phone number), email (address), or visit the AIA national web site at

Copyright 2001 The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved.


For more information, contact Mike Janes, director, media relations at 202-626-7467.

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