Government Affairs
Livable Communities Agenda
Committee meets to define vision, role of AIA Center
by Tracy F. Ostroff
Associate Editor

Quality of life is one of the most important issues facing American communities right now. Architects' expertise in the design process and in facilitating communication gives them a unique ability to help individual communities improve their quality of life, the AIA Livable Communities Committee determined at a meeting last month in Washington, D.C.

The group met to outline the goals and direction of the AIA's Center for Livable Communities, reports John Ratliff, the Center's director. To ensure that architects become more integral to the process of improving communities, the Livable Communities Committee outlined several steps for the Center to take. Specifically, the committee hopes to see the Center:
• Grow to be a reference center and clearinghouse for existing research
• Sponsor and conduct its own research and create its own educational materials for AIA members and policymakers
• Continue efforts to reach out to allied professional organizations, forge partnerships for research and education, and stress public- and private-sector collaboration
• Form coalitions around quality-of-life issues and strive to build the connections necessary to influence public policy choice to encourage livable communities.

"The committee meeting has helped the Center clarify its role in the livable communities arena," Ratliff said. "The vision established by the committee has set the AIA on the path to identifying short- and long-term activities to ensure that the Center will mature over the next five years into a leadership organization and forum for the discussion of livable communities issues."

The Center has also added a new member to its staff. Michael Tucker started in September as program manager responsible for housing and regional/urban design issues. He can be reached at 202-626-7557 or via email.

Copyright 2001 The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved.


Visit the Center's Web site or enter "Center for Livable Communities" in the Search tool on the MyAIA portal.

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