This Just In
Wanted: Schools that Need Repair and Architects to Tell the Public
ABC News wants to do a story, and you can help

The AIA media relations staff is working with ABC News on schools-related stories scheduled to air during September's "back to school" season. While ABC has just put the finishing touches on a story about innovative design, the network now is asking the AIA to help identify public schools in poor physical condition. The story mostly likely will be similar in theme to the story ABC News ran in 1999 on the AIA's "Good Enough for Congress" pictorial, focusing on the need for school modernization legislation.

In addition to the case studies, AIA media relations would like to offer ABC a corresponding architect who could serve as a point-of-contact or even as a "tour guide" who could assist with logistics, accompany the camera crew, and point out the facility's "trouble spots." ABC will likely be shooting several examples over the next few months.

If you know of neighborhood schools needing repair, and you or a colleague can serve in the role described above, send a short description of the school (focusing on the physical deterioration details) and your contact information to the AIA's director of media relations, Mike Janes, 202-626-7467.

Copyright 2001 The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved.


The AIA's director of media relations is Mike Janes, 202-626-7467.

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