2011 Position Statement Review

Public Policy
The creation and operation of the built environment require an investment of the earth's resources. Architects must be environmentally responsible and advocate for the sustainable use of those resources.

Supporting Position Statement:
45. Eminent Domain

The AIA believes that eminent domain can be a necessary and appropriate tool for government to secure land for the reasonable implementation of publicly owned projects. Only under very special and unique circumstances should that tool be used for projects that will ultimately revert to private ownership. In these circumstances, eminent domain should be considered a tool of last resort and only be applied if there is a clear and compelling public need and benefit demonstrated and supported through an open, broad-based, and transparent community planning process. In all cases, eminent domain should be applied in ways that fairly consider the value of existing land uses and communities, while respecting individual citizens' rights, and community history.


#45. Eminent Domain Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Do you agree with this position statement?
This statement needs to be more concise and should emphasize the importance of a transparent community planning process.
The statement should be stronger in limiting the use of eminent domain for projects that ultimately revert to private ownership.
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