2011 Position Statement Review

Public Policy
As members of their communities, architects are professionally obligated to use their knowledge, skill, and experience to engage in civic life.

Supporting Position Statement:

The AIA supports public and private building programs that include an appropriate budget for art. The integration of art should be an early and essential part of the design process, so that art can be fully coordinated with architecture. In support of this premise, the AIA recommends continued government federal funding for the arts through programs administered by the National Endowment for the Arts.

The AIA supports public and private building programs that include an appropriate budget for art. The integration of art should be an early and essential part of the design process, so that art can be fully coordinated with architecture. In support of this premise, the AIA recommends continued government federal funding for the arts through programs administered by the National Endowment for the Arts and other offerings at the state and local level.
# 2 - Art and Architecture Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Do you agree with this position statement?
Support for public art should be more generalized and not apply only to Federally funded initiatives.
Specific agencies or government programs should not be mentioned in position statements.
The position statement should stress the integration of well-conceived art and architecture in all settings.

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